Thursday, April 30, 2020

Guru For Hire - Custom Software Creating Complete Product Site For You - Guru For Hire

New Uploaded:- Guru For Hire - Custom Software Creating Complete Product Site For You - Guru For Hire, by: Product Reviews For You

Guru For Hire - Creating Custom Software For You - $1,000 Off Today - Click The LInk Now: Guru For Hire - Creating Custom Software For You - $1,000 Off Today What’s up… How you doing. Welcome to my office. So seriously for someone to click off of this video right now, they’d have to be bonkers! They would have to be straight out of their mind! I, myself, make this type of money every two weeks. I have got web sites all over the Internet that make me this type of money. Now, they aren’t your everyday web sites, they are awesome. So look you really want a very very close look during this video into what makes them so awesome. Now, what makes them bring in that type of money. Guru For Hire - Creating Custom Software For You - $1,000 Off Today And then I’ll show you my portfolio of sites and advertising campaigns. And then I’m going to make you a web site right here – so this is much more than just a video. And then, guess what? I’m going to show you how my student Chris Kirkpatrick makes seven thousand, five hundred dollars every week. Yes, that’s $7,500 every seven days. That’s basically $1,000 every day with one website that I made him. But, first, I hope you know who I am and that I am not pulling your leg – I’m Jamie Lewis. Guru For Hire - Creating Custom Software For You - $1,000 Off Today One of the first guys to beat the ten-million-dollar mark using niche websites. You might have done the search on Google. My rags to riches story, I guess you could call it, has been showcased on many different multi-media websites and marketing conventions. And trust me, if you weren’t doing good stuff you wouldn’t have 100% good results. Well, take a look at some of my websites, all right, that were responsible for bringing in this type of money… - the first day we put the order button on this we got over $2,000. This is a football coaching web site. I put it together, I did all the graphics, did all the copy and then BOOM! We make money like that with it. Next, Let me show you this one:, you might have heard of it. This site is world famous. Took me about a month to build the site, I ended up putting it up for auction, sold it for one-hundred-eighty thousand dollars. Guru For Hire - Creating Custom Software For You - $1,000 Off Today Some people are good at cooking, playing sports and stuff. I'm not good at cooking or playing sports. I mastered the web design thing a while ago. I was Google Certified in 2009. I was Clickbank top 100. And I’ve done over $10,000,000 since 2004 using these niche websites. I’ve got experience, that’s my thing. But look, let’s take a look at some of my student’s websites. Look, check this one out. - This is a powerhouse production right here, it’s an incredible niche – absolute gold. There’s also – again amazing powerhouse niche. And I think you see I think up all the domain names and brand name concepts myself. In over fifty niches. And this is end result. Unadulterated internet money! Guru For Hire - Creating Custom Software For You - $1,000 Off Today So, you’re probably thinking how can I get a website like this? No one showed me how to do it, trial and error, school of hard knocks. Now look, check it out. Through the years I have trained the people who work for me to produce only the highest caliber products, The best graphics, intense converting copywriting, and I do all my marketing. As you can see right here in the adwords account. Check this out – this is where I drive the traffic. Look at these conversions – 15 conversions from this ad group, 4 conversions here, 6 conversions. All the way down the line. Every time I make a conversion I pocket $30. They flood in. The same thing with my students. Same thing with the sites I create for others. So, as a very special thank you for buying my stuff and being a fan of mine… I’m going to build you one. That is right, I am going to build you a website just like this. I will think of a brand name like ‘fifty to zero’ Just like ‘get back at your ex now’ For you. Your own internet marketing property that you own. Original from concept. No one else has your graphics. No one else has your domain. NO one else has your copy. It’s all unique, original for you. I do everything original for you, so it’s worth thousands of dollars, hot off the press, even before you throw traffic at it. Think about it. This is the BEST OFFER EVER. When it came to sonic producer dot com I built the site in a couple weeks. The website on its own made $250,000 over the next 8 months, consistently. After that I put the site up for auction. It sold after seven days for $180,000. Multiple people bid, in fact there were a few people fighting over it. If a site makes $30,000 per month, like sonic producer, yes, it is worth upward of $200,00. So when I put it up for auction with a price tag of $180,000 it was a steal.

via, YouTube:

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